The Conference Planner’s Survival Guide: Why Hotel Contracts are the Secret Sauce of Sanity.

Welcome back, fellow conference organizers, event maestros, and masters of multi-tasking! Today, we are diving deep into the wonderful world of hotel contracts.  I know, I know, it sounds about as exciting as watching paint dry in a monochrome room, but bear with me – we’re about to unveil the hidden goldmine within those meticulously worded documents. Part 1 of 1,743.

So, you have found the perfect hotel, one that promises luxury, convenience, and enough meeting space to make even the most claustrophobic attendee feel like they are at a board meeting in the Grand Canyon. But, before you break out the confetti canons (Please never do that in a hotel!) and start practicing your victory dance, there is one tiny detail you cannot afford to overlook: The Hotel Contract. Having a detailed contract is like having a secret weapon in your event-planning arsenal. Hotel contracts are more than a piece of paper with fancy legal jargon –it’s like the Rosetta Stone of event planning, translating your dreams, wants, needs into reality.

Allow me to channel my inner Sophia from Golden Girls – Picture it: South Florida, 2018, Incentive Trip at an upscale hotel. Hospitality Suite is jam packed, music playing, conversation & champagne are free-flowing and then…. One of those champagne bottles grows wings, flies through the French doors, over the balcony, down 8 floors, and did not stick the landing, shattering.  Thankfully, this 3lb bottle of solid glass did not land ON the valet and no one was hurt. In this situation, who is at fault? Is it the attendee that turned the champagne bottle into a missile or is it the conference contract signer? The simple answer is, it is the contract signer’s responsibility unless you have wording in the contract that protects you from sticky situations like this. One sentence in the contract that says something like “Group is not responsible for any damage caused by attendees that occurs to the hotel and/or hotel’s property during the conference.”

Here is where I insert a disclaimer, I am not an attorney, nor do I play one on T.V.  This is advice from years of experience and some of the suggestions provided may not be accepted into the hotel contract.

Let’s move into one of the most critical clauses – Ah, the room block. Some may say this is the cornerstone of a successful conference. Negotiating rates, securing accommodations, and ensuring that your attendees don’t end of sleeping in the lobby (unless that’s part of the team-building exercise, I won’t judge). It is enough to make even the most seasoned planner break out in a cold sweat. Attrition and room blocks are a daily part of conversations here at Ginger Meetings. One of our golden nuggets of wisdom for every room block/attrition clause is to make sure it is Cumulative, and not per night. This allows those pre/post nights to count toward your block! Attrition is one of those items in the contract that we could go on and on about, maybe an idea for a future blog ?! “Hotel attrition: where dreams of a full house could meet the harsh reality of empty rooms. It’s like planning a party and having everyone bail at the last minute, except instead of awkwardly sitting alone with a bowl of chips, you’re stuck paying for unused beds.” Has a nice ring for a Blog, right?

Of course, no conference would be complete without a little entertainment. But, unless you want your VIP’s and Execs sharing convention foyer space with the Brony Convention (it’s a real thing, speaking from experience) it’s imperative to outline the names of the meeting rooms in the contract and what type of events are allowed and/or strictly off limits. Always chat with your hotel contact, before signing the contract and throughout the planning, about what other groups are in-house.

Another top contender is… these pesky Hidden Fees that appear like gremlins in the night. Whether they are in the form of “Facility Fee”, “Admin Fee”, “Set-up/Breakdown Fee”, “Infuriating Fee”, etc there is hope. First, read the fine print! Many times, these fees are indeed listed in the contract but, if they are not, we like to add a Hidden Fee Clause that says “other than the fees expressly stated in this contract hotel shall impose no other fee such as, but not limited to, any Resort Fee, Additional Service Charge, Administrative Fee, use of Electric, Additional Cleaning Fee *insert any type of fee*. Any additional fee/charge must be in writing and previously agreed upon by both parties.”

With a meticulously reviewed and negotiated contract you can ensure your budget stays intact, along with your sanity. Let’s face it, as conference planners, we thrive on chaos – but there is nothing like the sweet relief of knowing things are under control (until someone gets stuck in the elevator). The next time you find yourself knee-deep in hotel contracts and feeling like you’d rather be herding cats, focus on what is most important to you and the success of your conference. Otherwise, your hotel contract could turn into another version of War and Peace. Also, keep in mind that hotels are not non-profits so while you are negotiating your contract, be fair. This is just the tip of the iceberg with hotel contracts. If we can offer any support on hotel contracts and clauses, please feel free to reach out.  We are always here to help.

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