
As I sat on the sidelines of my daughter’s volleyball game I heard “TALK TO EACH OTHER”  “CALL IT OUT”  “I GOT IT”.  This made me smile because it relates so much to conferences. As conference organizers, our goal is to create an enriching and memorable experience for all attendees.  Effective communication plays a vital role in achieving this objective, just as it does in sports. If the volleyball players don’t “Call it out” then 2 players could be going after the same ball all the while duplicating work and minimizing effectiveness. Conferences are vibrant hubs of knowledge exchange, networking, and professional growth. Our ability to communicate effectively with conference attendees can make all the difference between an unpleasant conference and one that leaves a lasting impact: A winning game or a losing game! Ensuring that participants are well-informed, engaged, and empowered will allow them to make the most of their conference experience.

So…Let’s “Talk to Each Other” about valuable insights and strategies to help organizers communicate effectively with attendees, fostering a positive and impactful conference environment.

Clear and Comprehensive Pre-Conference Communication: The journey toward effective communication begins long before attendees step foot in the conference venue. From the launch of the event website to the moment attendees type their names into the registration fields, it’s essential to provide them with clear and complete information about the event. This includes details such as an outline of the conference schedule, session topics and speakers, venue logistics, accommodation options, transportation, and any pre-conference requirements. At Ginger Meetings, we make it a habit to use a variety of communication channels – some guests prefer a text update while others like an email, and some prefer to get the info on social media. The conference website is the main hub for info but, knowing and understanding each attendee’s preference is key when it comes to effective communication.

Embrace Visual Aids: A little fun fact – 65% of people are visual learners. Visual aids can enhance understanding and retention while adding interest BUT keep visual elements simple, relevant, and visually appealing to avoid their eyes from wandering off to something more visually appealing. Use images, graphs, and charts to illustrate key concepts, and break up text-heavy info into paraphrased bullets. We recently rented 3 large Buses to do a city bus tour – the attendees had to meet at a particular bus pick-up location that was ½ block from the conference hotel.  It’s a short distance but, to make sure all attendees knew exactly where we were going, we included a map with the walking path highlighted in a red line and added that image to the conference communication.

Engage Attendees through interactive platforms: In today’s digital age, attendees crave opportunities for engagement and interaction before and during the conference. Leverage digital platforms like mobile apps, social media groups, and forums to foster communication and networking among attendees. Allow participants a chance to connect before the conference and share their excitement, expectations, and ask questions. Create live interactive features such as polls, Q&As to facilitate dialogue. We usually create posts/polls with Unique Fun Facts about the conference city. Something completely random that really draws in attendees.

True or False: Orlando has so many restaurants that you can eat a meal at every single restaurant, for an entire year, and you’ll need to spend more than 5 years to eat at every restaurant in Orlando.

Provide On-Site Support: Once attendees arrive at the conference venue, it’s crucial to provide them with on-site assistance to address any questions, concerns, or logistical issues they may have. Set up information desks or help centers staffed with knowledgeable personnel who can provide guidance and assistance as needed. Clearly post key locations such as session rooms, restrooms, dining areas, and exhibitor booths to help attendees navigate the venue with ease. Promptly communicate any updates or changes to the conference schedule or logistics

A/V: Lean on your A/V partners to help with visual aids to enhance communication and engagement during conference sessions. They can play videos, on cue, during the opening session to give a quick overview of what to expect during the conference. (speakers, activities, agenda, highlight sponsors). A/V companies can typically help with digital signage as well. Throughout one of our conferences, we took pictures and provided those pictures to our a/v team – they turned the pictures into a slide show that was played during the closing dinner. Attendees LOVED seeing themselves on the big screen!

ASK Your Attendees: Just as important for Teams to communicate with each other while on the court/field it is equally important for your attendees to be able to communicate with you as the conference organizer. Ask them for feedback and encourage open communication.  Feedback from attendees is invaluable and could identify areas for improvement – We can’t be perfect all the time 😉 Once you recognize areas where changes may need to be made, communicate “we listened to you and implemented some new enhancements for our next event”.

Communicating effectively with conference attendees is an art form that requires strategic planning, preparation, and practice. It is the cornerstone of a successful conference, facilitating engagement, collaboration, and knowledge sharing among attendees. As conference organizers, it’s our responsibility to ensure that attendees are well-informed, supported, and empowered to make the most of their conference experience. By providing clear communication, engaging attendees through interactive platforms, providing on-site support and assistance, utilizing visual and audiovisual aids effectively, and soliciting feedback openly, we can create a positive and impactful conference environment that leaves a lasting impression on every attendee.

We’d love to hear your favorite ways to communicate and receive communication.

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