Hello there!

I’m Kara Fulsang, and if you’re wondering how to keep hundreds of people in a meeting room both awake and entertained, well, you’ve come to the right place. 

Who Are We and How Did We Get Here?

For over 20 years, I’ve been the unseen maestro behind the curtains of conferences, orchestrating everything from name tags to keynote speakers with a dash of humor and a whole lot of caffeine.

Let’s rewind to the beginning. It all started in the year 2003, with a simple task: “Can you help set up the stage for the motivational speaker?” Little did I know, this was a gateway task into the chaotic, caffeine-driven world of conference planning. Fast forward two decades, and here I am, a seasoned planner with a utility belt that Batman would envy – filled with multi-colored markers, a stapler that’s seen better days, and an emergency supply of gum.

Over these years, I’ve learned that the secret sauce to a successful conference isn’t just in the meticulous planning – it’s in the ability to handle a crisis with a smile. Picture this: a keynote speaker goes missing, the caterer mixes up vegetarian with vegan, and, oh, the Wi-Fi decides it’s on a personal day. While others might see a disaster, I see a Tuesday.

But it’s not all about averting crises. It’s about creating moments. That magical time when a room full of strangers bonds over an awkward icebreaker, or when a panel discussion unexpectedly turns into a comedy show. Yes, I’ve seen it all – from powerpoint presentations that were more “power outage” than “point,” to a motivational speaker who motivated us all to double-check our speaker vetting process.

I’ve also become a bit of a tech wizard. Remember overhead projectors? I’ve seen technology evolve from those clunky beasts to sleek, touch-screen marvels. I can troubleshoot a malfunctioning microphone with my eyes closed and one hand tied behind my back (a skill that came in handy that one time during a team-building exercise).

But what really keeps me going, what makes all the stress and the endless to-do lists worth it, is the people. I’ve met some of the most fascinating individuals from all walks of life and I truly love all my clients. I’ve seen connections formed, deals made, and dancing at receptions that would make Dancing With The Stars contestants envious. 

In conclusion, after all this time in the conference planning industry, I’ve come to realize two things: First, there’s no problem that can’t be solved with a little creativity, a lot of patience, and a good Wi-Fi connection. And second, the real conference MVP is always my client – if they are happy that equals success. I could not do this without them.

So, if you ever find yourself in the midst of conference chaos, looking for a seasoned pro who can tell the difference between a genuine fire alarm and a test drill (yes, that’s a real skill), look no further. I’m your person – just follow the sound of the coffee machine!