Juggling Work and Life: Tips from the Ginger Meeting’s Team

At Ginger Meetings, our home-based offices have sparked endless discussions about the elusive work-life balance. Let’s be real: keeping your sanity while working from home is no small feat. It’s crucial to find that sweet spot between professional demands and personal life—otherwise, you might just end up reenacting a scene from One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, minus Jack Nicholson’s charisma. The struggle is real, and it’s something many of us continue to grapple with on a daily basis. However, with the right strategies, you can achieve a harmonious balance that allows you to be productive at work while enjoying your personal life.

The Balancing Act: Setting Boundaries, Prioritizing, and Making “You” Time

Achieving harmony in work-life balance is like mastering a three-ring circus. You need to set clear boundaries, prioritize tasks, and carve out some “me-time.” It’s a constant game of checks and balances, but once you get the hang of it, the rewards are worth it. We don’t want you to feel like you are a ringmaster, juggling flaming torches, a roaring lion, and a unicycle all at once. Just another day at the (home) office! Think of it like a well-rehearsed circus act, where every move is carefully planned and executed to perfection. We don’t want you to feel like you are a ringmaster, juggling flaming torches, a roaring lion, while balancing on a unicycle. Just another day at the (home) office, right?! By creating a structured schedule and sticking to it, you can ensure that both your professional responsibilities and personal needs are met without overwhelming yourself.

Confessions of a People-Pleaser

Let’s talk about one of my personal flaws: I am a people-pleaser. And guess what? Many of my colleagues are too, especially in the hospitality industry. When I first started in this industry it felt like I was drinking water from a firehose and I thought double-booking myself was a genius move. “Why not kill two birds with one stone?” I’d say.

I’d schedule a conference call on the way to my kid’s doctor appointment. Was it productive? Heck NO! Not in the slightest. It was chaotic and led to burnout. I had to evoke the highlights of the call like I was summoning spirts of a past life and then expected to act on those details once I got back into the home-office, all while dealing with a cranky kid who’d just been jabbed four times by the medical mafia—also known as the doctor.

Fast forward almost two decades, and I’m still a people-pleaser. But now, I’ve mastered the art of gracefully saying “Bugger Off” when necessary. Trying to constantly blend work and life often leads to disaster. Just as church and state are separated, so should work emails and family time. Saying “NO” or “I cannot do that, but I can do this” is going to be the most useful tool in your toolbox.

The Wisdom of a Former Colleague

One of the best pieces of advice I received was from a former colleague, Scott Zimmerman. He probably doesn’t remember telling me this, but it stuck with me. Scott’s golden rule was to work your booty off with the precision focus of a brain surgeon for 40 minutes out of every hour, then take a 20-minute breather. This technique, similar to the Pomodoro Technique, is highly effective in maintaining focus and productivity throughout the day.

Sure, some projects require more than 40 minutes of focus, but this approach is generally sound advice. An alternative to this is taking a mid-morning break for about 30 minutes, followed by a solid lunch break and an afternoon breather. Because let’s face it, even superheroes need their coffee breaks. Recharge your mental and physical energy. 

Eat Your Veggies First

Here’s another gem: “Eat your veggies first.” In our instant gratification society, many of us prioritize tasks and emails that can be quickly completed, regardless of their importance. This leaves a nagging feeling because you know the big, important tasks are still looming. Go forth and set a productive tone for the day!

Financial guru Dave Ramsey advises paying off small bills first to feel a sense of accomplishment. Similarly, tackling smaller tasks might make you feel productive, but it’s crucial to prioritize those important tasks that need proper time and attention. It’s like doing the dishes before you binge-watch your favorite series—you’ll enjoy it more knowing you’ve handled your responsibilities. Was that an eye-roll I just heard?? But seriously, this method not only boosts your productivity but also reduces stress and anxiety by getting the most daunting tasks out of the way early.

Define Your Success to Define your Time and Take Control!

Ask yourself, “Self, what does success look like to me?” Your definition of success might vary, but achieving it requires a balanced approach. Setting clear boundaries between work and personal life, prioritizing tasks, and ensuring you take regular breaks are all crucial components. By defining what success means to you, you can better allocate your time and resources to achieve your goals without sacrificing your well-being.

In conclusion, mastering work-life balance is an ongoing process and not something you will achieve overnight (back to that instant gratification paragraph above). By setting boundaries, prioritizing important tasks, and making time for yourself, you’ll find a rhythm that works for you. And always remember, it’s okay to say “Bugger Off” when you need to. Happy balancing!

One response to “Juggling Work and Life: Tips from the Ginger Meeting’s Team”

  1. Shelton Avatar

    This was a great read, I love your post. Keep them coming!

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