Where great minds meet and schedules don’t!

  • Juggling Work and Life: Tips from the Ginger Meeting’s Team

    Juggling Work and Life: Tips from the Ginger Meeting’s Team

    At Ginger Meetings, our home-based offices have sparked endless discussions about the elusive work-life balance. Let’s be real: keeping your sanity while working from home is no small feat. It’s crucial to find that sweet spot between professional demands and personal life—otherwise, you might just end up reenacting a scene from One Flew Over the…

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  • The Art of Crafting Irresistible Proposals

    The Art of Crafting Irresistible Proposals

    Welcome, fellow meeting planners, to the clandestine art of courting hotels with such finesse they can hardly say no to your proposals. Creating a compelling proposal is one of the most critical steps in event planning. But fear not! Here’s how you can make your hotel proposal not just a mere suggestion but a persuasive,…

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  • The Conference Planner’s Survival Guide: Why Hotel Contracts are the Secret Sauce of Sanity.

    The Conference Planner’s Survival Guide: Why Hotel Contracts are the Secret Sauce of Sanity.

    Welcome back, fellow conference organizers, event maestros, and masters of multi-tasking! Today, we are diving deep into the wonderful world of hotel contracts.  I know, I know, it sounds about as exciting as watching paint dry in a monochrome room, but bear with me – we’re about to unveil the hidden goldmine within those meticulously…

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  • Talk!!


    As I sat on the sidelines of my daughter’s volleyball game I heard “TALK TO EACH OTHER”  “CALL IT OUT”  “I GOT IT”.  This made me smile because it relates so much to conferences. As conference organizers, our goal is to create an enriching and memorable experience for all attendees.  Effective communication plays a vital…

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  • Conference Calories Don’t Count

    Conference Calories Don’t Count

    I was recently asked what the biggest trends are surrounding health and wellness of today’s meetings/events. My short answer is “wake up at 4:00am, fore-go breakfast but overload on coffee, skip lunch and dinner, go straight to the after party where I grab a bite of whatever is being passed around (Gluten-Free of course) and…

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  • Close the Curtain

    Close the Curtain

    Now that the curtains have closed on 2023, it’s a perfect time for us to take a step back and reflect on the year year that has been nothing short of extraordinary with dynamic changes, remarkable achievements, and forward-thinking in the world of hospitality.  From embracing new technologies to overcoming unique challenges, this year has…

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